155 Usage5.1 Measuring your heart rate03 42MONWalkingBiking72 Bpm01/03 04:0703 42MONWalkingBiking--• Navigate to Heart rate.• Press the display to measure your heart rate.5 Make sure the watch fits properly on your wrist. A sports watch thatis too loose can get lost and does not record the heart rate. A sportswatch that is too tight may cause discomfort.5.2 Start/stop a sports activity12/21 12/21120.08 Kcal120.08 KcalWalking Running Running19/26 oC Find Phone Find Phone00:00:1410:42 GPS00’00”0.00Walking Skip• To start a sports activity, select the desired sports activity.5 The sports watch now searches for a GPS signal.• The sports activity starts when the sports watch has a good GPSconnection.