12TEXTSelect [PRE] or [NEXT] but t on t o select Text , t hen press [M ENU] t o confirm,Ent er TEXT mode by pressing M ode but t on, t hen you can read and edit t he art iclein t he device. The device only can recognize t he art icle in “t xt .” Format .Press [M ENU] but t on again t o ent er sub-menu:local folder choose t he folder where pict ure is savedplayback set manual play or aut o play(t here is a t ime gap for aut oplay from 1-10 seconds)Delet e file Delet e pict ureDelet e all Delet e all pict uresExit Exit from sub-menuVideo Conversion ToolPlease follow t he st eps here below to inst all t he video conversion t ool.Unzip t he “Video Conversion Tool.rar” which is st ored in int ernal memory, Clickon Run Set up.exe t o st art t he inst allat ion process, you may find a t ool named“AM V/ AVI convert t ool “, click and open it , t here is a w indow appears, choose t hefile you want t o convert , t hen choose t he folder you want t o put t he newconvert ed file, click “st art convert ing” is ok.Video Conversion Steps1) Unzip t he file, and double click t o t he Setup.exe and inst all it .2) Double click t o t he Amvtransform.exe.(folder – Program Files\ M edia Player Ut ilit ies 4.41\ AM VConvert er)3) Then you could see t he below :