124Using the MenuThe Shooting Menu (j, k, l, or m Mode)Types of Quick Adjust and Manual AdjustOption DescriptionQuick adjust 1Adjusts the sharpness, contrast and saturation levels automatically.Setting to the – side reduces the effect of the selected COOLPIXPicture Control, and setting to the + side emphasizes its effect.• Default setting: 0Image sharpeningControls how much outlines are sharpened during shooting.The higher the number, the sharper the image, and the lower thenumber, the softer the image.Select A (auto) for automatic adjustment.• Default setting: 3 for Standard or Monochrome, 2 for Neutral,and 4 for VividContrastControls the contrast.Setting to the – side gives the image a softer appearance, andsetting to the + side gives it a harder appearance. Select lowervalues to prevent highlights in portrait subjects from being“washed out” in direct sunlight, higher values to preserve detail inmisty landscapes and other low contrast subjects.Select A (auto) for automatic adjustment.• Default setting: 0Saturation 2Controls the vividness of colors.Setting to the – side reduces the vividness, and setting to the + sideincreases the vividness.Select A (auto) for automatic adjustment.• Default setting: 0Filter effects 3Simulates the effect of color filters on monochrome photographs.• OFF: Filter effects are not used.• Y (yellow), O (orange), R (red):Enhance contrast. Can be used to tone down the brightness ofthe sky in landscape photographs. The contrast is strengthenedin the order Y ➝ O ➝ R.• G (green):Softens skin tones and the color of features such as lips. Suitablefor portraits.• Default setting: OFF