17The Basics of Shooting and Playback4 Press J or K to select your hometime zone and press the kbutton.• Press H to enable daylight saving time.When the daylight saving time function isenabled, W is displayed at the top of themonitor. Press I to disable the daylightsaving time function.5 Press H or I to select the date format andpress the k button.6 Press H, I, J, or K to set the date and time,and press the k button.• Select an item: Press K or J (changes between D, M, Y,hour, and minute).• Edit the date and time: Press H or I.• Confirm the setting: Select the minute setting and pressthe k button.7 Press H or I to select Yes and then press thek button.BackL o n d o nC a s a b l a n c aDate formatYear/Month/DayMonth/Day/YearDay/Month/YearDate and timeD M Y2 0 1 20 10 10 00 0EditNoDate and timeYesOK?1 5 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 2 1 5 : 3 0