xiiIntroductionCD-ROMsThe CD-ROMs included with this deviceshould not be played back on audio CDequipment. Playing CD-ROMs on anaudio CD player could cause hearingloss or damage the equipment.Observe caution when usingthe flashUsing the flash close to your subject’seyes could cause temporary visualimpairment. Particular care should beobserved if photographing infants,when the flash should be no less than1 m (3 ft 4 in.) from the subject.Do not operate the flash withthe flash window touching aperson or objectFailure to observe this precautioncould result in burns or fire.Avoid contact with liquidcrystalShould the monitor break, care shouldbe taken to avoid injury caused bybroken glass and to prevent liquidcrystal from the monitor touching theskin or entering the eyes or mouth.Turn the power off whenusing inside an airplane or thehospitalTurn the power off while inside theairplane during take off or landing.Follow the instructions of the hospitalwhen using while in a hospital. Theelectromagnetic waves given out bythis camera may disrupt the electronicsystems of the airplane or theinstruments of the hospital. Removethe Eye-Fi card, which can be thecause of the disruption, beforehand ifinserted in the camera.3D ImagesDo not continuously view 3D imagesrecorded with this device for extendedperiods, whether on a television,monitor, or other display.In the case of children whose visualsystems are still maturing, consult apediatrician or ophthalmologist priorto use and follow their instructions.Prolonged viewing of 3D images maycause eye strain, nausea, or discomfort.Cease use should any of thesesymptoms occur and consult aphysician if necessary.