Pictures, movies or voice memos are assigned file names as follows.DSCN0001 ,JPGI I JL _JIdentifier (not shown on camera monitor)Original still pictures (voicememo attachment included) DSCNand moviesCropped Copies(voice memo Rqrklattachment included) .....Small copies (voice memoattachment included)Quick retouch copies, D_Lighting coPiesand Skinsoftening copies(voice FSCNmemo attachment included)Extension (indicates file format)SSCN File number (assigned automatically in.........................................................ascending order, starting with "0001 ")• Files are stored in folders named with a folder number followed by a fivecharacter identifier: "P_" plus a three digit sequential number for pictures takenin Panorama assist scene mode (e.g. "101P_001 "; _ 60) and "NIKON" for allother pictures (e.g. "100NIKON"). When the number of files within a folderreaches 9999, a new folder will be created. File numbers will be assignedautomatically starting with %001 ."• Voice memo file names have the same identifier and file number as the pictureto which the voice memo is attached.• Files copied using Copy>Selected images are copied to the current folder,where they are assigned new file numbers in ascending order starting from thelargest file number in memory. Copy>All images copies all folders from thesource medium; file names do not change but new folder numbers areassigned in ascending order, starting from the largest folder number on thedestination medium ([_ 97).• A single folder can hold up to 200 pictures; if the current folder already contains200 pictures, a new folder, named by adding one to the current folder name,will be created the next time a picture is taken. If the current folder is numbered999 and contains 200 pictures, or a picture is numbered 9999, no furtherpictures can be taken until the internal memory or memory card is formatted([_[_ 138), or a new memory card is inserted.2-Izoo_151