DisposingofData Storage DevicesPleasenote that deleting images or formatting data storage devices suchasmemorycards or built-in camera memory doesnotcompletely erase the original image data.Deleted files can sometimes be recovered from discarded storage devices usingcommercially available software, potentially resulting in the malicious useofpersonalimage data. Ensuring the privacyofsuch dataisthe user's responsibility.Before discarding a data storage device or transferring ownershiptoanother person,erasealldata using commercial deletion software, or set Record locationdataofLocationdataoptions (1Il22)toOff after formatting the device and thencompletely refill it with images containing no private information (for example,imagesofemptysky).Care should be takentoavoid injury or damagetopropertywhen physically destroying data storage devices. For theCOOLPIX59900, the logdata saved on the memory cardishandled in the same wayasother data. To erasethe log data thatisobtainedbut not stored on the memory card, select Create log--+End log --+ Erase log.To delete the Wi-Fi settings, select Restoredefaultsettings in the Wi-Fi optionsmenu ([J]22).Conformity MarkingFollow the procedure belowtodisplay someofthe conformity markings that thecamera complies with.PresstheMENUbutton + Ymenu icon+Conformitymarking+®button6 I Introduction