135Reference—Advanced Photographyonsing options arein AUTO, SCENEused to adjustfor example, whenpictures under. 1411433-10714953d shooting options:Keeping Colors True: The White-Balance MenuWhat is “White Balance”?The color of the light reflected by an object depends on the color ofthe light source. The human brain is able to detect and compensate forsuch changes in color, with the result that a white object will look whiteto humans whether viewed in sunlight, under overcast skies, or indoorsunder incandescent or fluorescent lighting. To a camera, however, the“whites” produced by these different sources of light vary in color,some being slightly blue and others yellow or red. A digital camera canadjust colors according to lighting so that colors that appear white tothe human eye also appear white when viewed in the final picture. Thisadjustment is called “white balance.”Choosing a White Balance SettingIn CSM shooting mode, white balance can bechosen from the white-balance menu (in othermodes, white balance is adjusted automaticallyaccording to the type of scene). The followingoptions are available:Option DescriptionA Auto White balance automatically adjusted to suit lightingconditions. Best choice in most circumstances.White Bal Preset White object used as reference to set white balanceunder unusual lighting conditions.Fine White balance adjusted for direct sunlight.Incandescent Use when taking pictures indoors under incandescentlight.Fluorescent Use when taking pictures indoors under fluorescent light.Cloudy Use for pictures taken outdoors under overcast skies.Speedlight White balance adjusted to match light produced byflash.WHITE BALANCESELECT SETOFFAutoWhite Bal PresetWhite Bal PresetFineFineIncandescentIncandescentFluorescentFluorescentCloudyCloudySpeedSpeed l i ghtghtAutoWhite Bal PresetFineIncandescentFluorescentCloudySpeed l i ghtMENU button toy CSM shooting.