viiiIntroductionDo not remain in contactwith the camera, chargingAC adapter, or AC adapterfor extended periods whilethe devices are on or in useParts of the devices become hot.Leaving the devices in direct contactwith the skin for extended periodsmay result in low-temperature burns.Do not leave the productwhere it will be exposed toextremely hightemperatures, such as in anenclosed automobile or indirect sunlightFailure to observe this precautioncould cause damage or fire.Use the appropriate powersupply (battery, chargingAC adapter, AC adapter,USB cable)Using a power supply other thanthose provided or sold by Nikoncould result in damage ormalfunction.Observe caution whenhandling the batteryThe battery may leak, overheat, orexplode if improperly handled.Observe the following precautionswhen handling the battery for use inthis product:• Before replacing the battery, turnthe product off. If you are usingthe charging AC adapter/ACadapter, be sure it is unplugged.• Use only a Rechargeable Li-ionBattery EN-EL12 (included).Charge the battery by using acamera that supports batterycharging. To perform thisoperation, use the Charging ACAdapter EH-71P (included) andUSB Cable UC-E21 (included). TheBattery Charger MH-65 (availableseparately) is also available tocharge the battery without usinga camera.• When inserting the battery, donot attempt to insert it upsidedown or backwards.• Do not short or disassemble thebattery or attempt to remove orbreak the battery insulation orcasing.• Do not expose the battery toflame or to excessive heat.• Do not immerse in or expose towater.• Put the battery in a plastic bag,etc. to insulate the terminal beforetransporting it. Do not transportor store with metal objects suchas necklaces or hairpins.• The battery is prone to leakagewhen fully discharged. To avoiddamage to the product, be sure toremove the battery when nocharge remains.• Discontinue use immediatelyshould you notice any change inthe battery, such as discolorationor deformation.• If liquid from the damagedbattery comes in contact withclothing or skin, rinse immediatelywith plenty of water.Observe the followingprecautions when handlingthe charging AC adapter• Keep dry. Failure to observe thisprecaution could result in fire orelectric shock.• Dust on or near the metal parts ofthe plug should be removed witha dry cloth. Continued use couldresult in fire.