434 More on PhotographyTaking a Self-Portrait: Self-timer ModeThe self-timer with shutter release delay of 10 s or 3 s can be used forphotographs in which you wish to appear yourself or to prevent photo-graphs from being blurred by camera movement that occurs when theshutter-release button is pressed. When using this option, you should ei-ther mount the camera on a tripod (recommended) or rest it on a flat,level surface. To use the self-timer:Display self-timer menu.Highlight ON and press the multiselector to exit the menu.• icon, countdown timer andicon appear in monitor.• If no operation is performed forabout two seconds, the selectedmode is automatically set.Frame picture and press the shut-ter-release button halfway to setthe focus.Press the shutter-release button therest of the way down to start timer.• Press once for a ten-second delay,twice for a three-second delay,and three times to stop the timer.• Countdown timer in monitor showsnumber of seconds remaining untilpicture is taken.1234