EXPOSUREVALUE(EV)------------------------------Exposure consists of shutter control and aperture control.The N4004s olfers a range of speeds from 1/2000 second to 1second, with each setting twice as fast as the next slower speed.Faster speeds allow less light to pass; slower speeds admit morelight.Aperture control enables you to vary the lens aperture openingfrom large to small , with larger apertures allowing more light topass, and sma ll er apertures allowing less light to pass.Th e standard aperture setti ng s are fl.4 , f2, f2 .B, f4, f5.6, fB, fll,f16, f22, 132, etc.For simplicity, shutter/apertu re gradations are uniform . A changein shutter speed from 1/125 to 11250 second, for example, re -duces the light by 1/2. Similarly, changing aperture from f4 tof5 .6 reduces the light by 1/2. Each film used has a particularsensitivity to light, indicated by the ISO number shown on thefilm cartridge. To achieve th~ correct exposure for any particularlight value, the camera's Image Master Control adjusts theshutter speed and aperture control so just the right amount oflight reaches the film to produce the correct exposure. Thatamount of light is referred to as the Exposure Value or EV andis assigned a number such as EV10, EV15, etc. The brighter thelight, the higher the EV number.52Each EV number can be applied to a variety of shutter andaperture combinations. If the correct exposure is 11125 f5 .6, forexample, a setting of 1/250 f4 would produce the same exposure.The same EV number would represent both settings.The preceding explanation should help you understand the chartsfound in different parts of this manual. But don't worry about thedetails-the Decision Master System of the N4004s takes careof all calculations and automatically sets the exposure control.Thi s information is provided only for your reference and a fullerunderstanding of photography.