ManManual flash operation allows you to control the lightoutput of the SB-103 by setting the shooting modeselector/power switch to one of three positions :"MFULL ," "M1/4 ," or "M1/16 ."To determine which setting to use, select an aperturefrom the exposure calculation chart and set it on thelens. At each intersection of a distance line ® and anaperture line on the aperture scale @, one of four condi-tions will be present: 1) the distance line will intersectthe extreme right-hand edge of the aperture line (the"MFULL" mark), 2) the distance line will intersect asemicircle (the " M1/4 " mark), 3) the distance line willintersect a triangle (the "M1/16" mark), or 4) the dis -tance line will intersect an unmarked portion of the f/stopline. The first three conditions indicate the manual flashmode that can be used at those particular f/stops.Example 2:If the shooting distance changed to 3 m (9 .Bft) but you.still wanted to use "MFULL," you would have to use anintermediate aperture setting between f/S .6 and fiB .To determine the correct f/stop without using the expo-sure calculation chart, divide the GN from the chartby the flash-to-subject distance (in meters).Example 3: .When shooting on land at Sm (16.4ft) without using thewide-flash adapter while using ASA/ISO 100 film and"MFULL": The GN for "MFULL" at ASA/ISO 100 onland is 20 from the chart. Divide the GN of 20 by theflash-to-subject distance of Sm to get the correct aper-ture, f/4 . Because water absorbs a great deal of light,however, you cannot use the same GN underwater ason-land or your shot will be underexposed.Instead, multiply the on-land GN by 1/2 to 1/3 for under-When shooting underwater at 1.2 m (4 .3ft) without usingthe wide-flash adapter while using ASA/ISO 400 film,you can select one of three aperture/mode settings :f/16 at " MFULL ," fiB at "M1/4," or f/4 at " M1/16 ."water photography. (The underwater GNs shown are1/2 of the corresponding on-land GNs.)Guide Numbers in the Manual Mode• The values in parentheses are when the Wide·Flash AdapterSW-I03 is being used.• The full amount of light is emitted when the shooting mode selectoris at " M FU LL."19