-CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued--------:-----Exposure calculator Dial @The exposure calculator dial on the back of the SB-14helps you to select the usable range of £/stops for thespeed of the film in use and the flash-to-subject distance.To set the ASA/ISO film speed, turn the dial until thenumber corresponding to the film speed is opposite theASAIISO film speed index . Set the film speed to the "W"index mark @ when the Wide-Flash Adapter SW-5 CD isattached to the flash unit.Note: Dots between the numbers on the film speed scale @representintermediate sellings. (See illustratio n.)640 320 80 40I I I I1800 • . . • . . . • • • 2\1400 200 160 100 64 50 32I I I500 250 12512For Automatic OperationWith the Sensor Unit SU-2 attached to the SpeedlightSB-14, you can shoot on Automatic. Three usable £/stopsare indicated by the thick color-coded lines after you setthe ASAIISO film speed on the dial .For example, if you are using ASAIISO 100 film, you canselect either £/4, £/5 .6 or £/8. In selecting the £/stop, theflash-to-subject distance, recycling time, and depth offield are important factors.• Flash-to-subject distanceThe thick color-coded lines indicate the range of flash-to-subject distances for automatic shooting as well as theusable £/stops. Each distance range is constant regardlessof the film speed set on the dial. The orange line indicatesa range from 0.6m to 8m (2 to 26 ft.), the yellow from0.6m to 5.6m (2 to 18 ft.), and the blue from 0.6m to 4m(2 to 13 ft . ). So, for example, with ASAIISO 100 film and