8. FAQ1. Will booster increase the RF radiation?No, it will decrease instead.Every cell phone irradiates heavily being in zones with poor mobile signal as a cell phone is constantly in searchingmode. The danger is your cell phone is about 2cm to your body, which makes its usage rather harmful. And when abooster is installed, it improves the mobile signals in the coverage, and your cell phone stops irradiating strongly, thusit will reduce the RF radiation of the mobile phone tremendously.The maximum power level of booster is 0.01W, and it decreases to be maximum 0.001W when reaching indoor antenna.And since the indoor antenna is installed over the ceiling or onto the wall, there is usually more than 3 meter awayfrom the human body, 3meter away means at least 40dB propagation loss, or 10000 times less, 0.0000001W, andtherefore it is too weak to influence human bodies though it is still a very good signal for mobile phones.2. If the power indicator is off after installing the repeater, what should I do?Check if the repeater’s power supply works normally or not.3. If repeater’s power supply is normal, ALM light is on or flashing all the time, whatshould I do?Firstly, check whether all connectors are connected well or not. If it is all right, please, adjust the direction of theoutdoor and indoor antenna. Make sure the horizontal distance is 75 feet or more, the vertical distance is 20 feet ormore.4. If the repeater and power supply are installed correctly, why the signal is still bad?1. According to the steps above, verify if all the cables and connectors are connected correctly or not and correct theconnections if necessary.2. If connections are correct, please, adjust the direction of the outdoor antenna, point it towards BTS antenna, andmake sure it can accept the strongest signal.5. After installing the repeater, the signal is good, but the connection is slow orintermittent, or I cannot hear clearly the other side?1. Please, check the indoor antenna position, and whether the cables and connectors are connected correctly or not.2. Adjust the indoor antenna direction and make sure it can easily receive a cell phone signal.