Installation of Yagi wide band antenna as an outdoor antennaInstallation of a Yaggi antenna as an outdoor antennaCable layout and connector assembly1. Keep the type, specifications, routing direction, location and curvature radius of cables in compliance with the modelrequirements. Place cables in correct order, bend them smoothly, and protect the surface from any damage.2. Place RF cables separately from power cables. Take proper isolation measures if they have to be placed on the samecable racks owing to the site condition restrictions.3. Fasten all connection parts of the whole system in correct order, from the antenna to repeater interfaces, and make surethat the electrical interfaces are well contacted. Give waterproof treatment to outdoor connection parts.4. Take lightning protection measures for the antenna and feeder system in accordance with the system requirements.Avoid deforming the antenna feeder where grounding clips are placed, and give waterproof treatment to the feeder.Lightning Surge Protector UsageIf the area where you live is exposed to thunderstorms, it is highly advisable to protect a mobile repeater with a lightning surgeprotector. Installed in-line between the outdoor antenna and the signal repeater, the surge protector prevents equipment fromdamages.Lightning Surge Protector SetupPlease read carefully the instructions provided with the coaxial surge protector to ensure safe and effective installation in terms ofgrounding and maintenance.1. Connect the male N-connector of the surge protector to the female N-connector of the outdoor antenna.2. Connect the female N-connector of the surge protector to the male N-connector of the cable that leads to the signalbooster.3. Clinch a copper wire to the grounding lug and then attach it to a master ground bar or earthing system in order toensure low impedance path to ground. The ground wire must be as short as possible and straight. It is essential that the