challoroncherilln.heerhee.veore,16TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDETROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEWhen there is a problem consult this guide first. If the problem persists, or youhave additional questions, call your local Niles dealer or Niles Technical Supportat 1-800-289-4434. The most common problems relate to hook up. Call fromyour telephone extension nearest the system.SYMPTOMNo sound on one channelNo sound on both channelsHum from the speakersPOSSIBLE CAUSES AND TEST PROCEDUREShort circuit or loose wire at the speaker oramplifier terminals. Check that the connections aresecure and that there are no loose strands of wirecrossing from the positive to the negative terminalsat the back of the amplifier and /or the speaker.Short circuit or a break in the speaker wire. Dis-connect the speaker wire at both ends, separate the2 conductors at both ends and test with a meter fora short circuit. If there is no short, connect the twoconductors at one end and test with a meter forcontinuity.Speaker is not working. Connect the speaker to achannel that plays another speaker.Audio cable to input is bad. Connect another cablethat is known to be good.Audio cable to the main inputs is bad. Connectanother cable that is known to be good.Hum may be caused by a ground loop betweentwo of the other components in the system. To testfor another ground loop, try reversing the AC plugsof each of the components in the system.