345 Vacuum unit Centix 40 / Centix 50 Premium assembly instructions5.1 Fitting the mounting bracketPlan the positioning of the mounting bracket so that thereis plenty of space above and below the area where thevacuum unit is to be located. Make sure there is a minimumof 400 mm free space below the dust container.Mark the positions for all four screw holes with a pen orsimilar. The diameter of the holes in the holder is 5 mm.Select screws and, if necessary, wall plugs suitable for thetype of wall concerned. Drill the four screw holes.Fit the mounting bracket with the large opening pointingdownwards, see Fig. 14. Then screw the holder firmlyinto place.5.2 Locating the vacuum cleaner onthe mounting bracketTo facilitate the procedure, first remove the dust container.Free the container by pulling both handles outwards. Thenremove the container from the machine. Turn the vacuumunit until the mounting bracket is immediately below thebracket on the machine. Lower the machine down on tothe mounting bracket, Fig. 15. Make sure the correspondingbracket on the machine is held firmly in place by the wallbracket.5.3 Connecting the machineThe machine is connected with the flexible suction hose inthe lower position and the exhaust pipe uppermost, Fig 16.The flexible suction hose acts as an adapter connectingthe vacuum unit with the pipe system. The accompanyingrubber sleeve is used for tightening/loosening purposesbetween the pipe system and the flexible vacuum hose.Feed half the length of the sleeve into the vacuum hoseand fold the other half over. Then feed 5-10 mm of thevacuum hose into the pipe system and fold the sleeveback so that it envelopes the tail pipe, holds thevacuum hose in place and tightens the adapter.NB! This connection must not be glued in case the unitis serviced.Position the central vacuum cleaner so that the exhaustpipe can be kept as short as possible, max. 10 metres. Takethe surroundings into consideration when positioning theexhaust. For this reason, you should always fit a muffler.For additional information concerning the assembly andinstallation of the pipe system and low-current lead, pleaserefer to the separate assembly instructions supplied withthe pipe package.ExhaustInletFig. 16Fig. 15Fig. 14