4US 1 Important safety instructionsFor your own safetyThe high-pressure washermay only be used by personsinstruc ed in its use and whohave been expressly authorisedto do so.Although extremely easy tooperate, children should not beallowed to use the washer.GeneralUse of the high-pressure wash-er is subject to the applicablelocal regulations.Besides the operating instruc-tions and the binding accidentprevention regulations validin the country of use, observerecognised regulations for safe-ty and proper use.Do not use any unsafe worktechniques.Before starting the washerIf your washer was suppliedwithout a plug, have it fitted witha suitable plug with earth con-ductor, by an electrician.Before use, check that the high-pressure washer is safe and inproper condition.Regularly check whether theelectric cable is damaged orshows signs of ageing.Use the high-pressure washeronly when the electric cable isin a safe condition. (risk of elec-tric shock if damaged!).Check the rated voltage of thehigh-pressure washer beforeconnecting it to the mainspower supply. Ensure that thevoltage shown on the ratingplate corresponds to the volt-age of the local mains powersupply.We strongly recommend thatthe power supply to the highpressure washer be connectedvia a residual current circuitbreaker.This device stops the supplyof electricity if the leakage cur-rent to earth exceeds 30 mA for30 ms or it has an earth testercircuit.Please observe the regula-tions and provisions applicablein your country. Before puttingthe high-pressure washer intoservice, carry out a visual checkof all the major components.CAUTION!High-pressure water jets canbe dangerous if misused. Thejet must not be directed atpersons, animals, live electri-cal equipment or the washeritself.Wear appropriate protectiveclothing and eye protectors.Do not direct the jet towardsSymbols used to mark in-structionsBefore using thehigh-pressurewasher, be sureto also read theenclosed operat-ing instructionsand keep them within reach atall times.Safety instructionsin these operatinginstructions whichmust be observedto prevent risks topersons are marked with thisdanger symbol.This symbol isused to marksafety instruc-tions that mustbe observed toprevent damageto the machine and its perform-ance.This indicates tipsand in structionsto simplify workand to ensure safe operation.