12,6 After using your pressure washer6.2 Winding up of electriccable and high pressurehosecarefully up.1. Wind up the electric cable onthe appropriate hooks. Built-in clip for good holding (1).The lower hook can beturned to release the electriccable.2. The high pressure washercomes in two models: A) withhook for storage of high pres-sure hose (14) - B) with ahose reel (13).6.1 Storing the washer The machine should be sto-red in a frost-free room!Pump, hose and accessoriesshould always be emptied ofwater prior to storing as follows:1. Stop the machine (turn thestart/stop switch (1) to posi-tion “O” and detach waterhose and accessory.2. Restart the machine andactivate the trigger. Let themachine run until no morewater runs through the spraygun.3. Stop the machine, unplugand wind up hose and cable.4. Place spray handle, nozzlesand other accessories in theholders of the machine.Should the machine by mistakebe frozen, it will be necessaryto check it for damage.NEVER START-UP A FROZENMACHINE.Frost damages are notcovered by the guarantee!6.3 Storage of accessoriesThe standard accessories(spray gun (f), spray lance (a),nozzles (b) foam sprayer (c))can be stored on the pressurewasher.The nozzle cleaning tool (d)and a Click & Clean brush(e) can also be stored on theproduct.To avoid accidents, the electriccable and the high pressurehose should always be windedabcdefa + f