3EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN, THE NILFISK COMPANIESMAKE NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO ANYMATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALLWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, OR OTHERWARRANTIES, ALL OF WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED ANDEXCLUDED. NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FORSPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PRODUCTION, LOSS OF TIME,LOSS OF PROFITS OR OTHER SIMILAR INDIRECT LOSSES WHICH MIGHTOCCUR AS A RESULT OF DEFECTS, PARTIAL OR TOTAL FAILURE OF THEPRODUCT TO PERFORM AS SPECIFIED.Correction of non-conformities or defects in the manner and for the period of timeprovided above, shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of the Nilfisk companies tothe customer, whether based on contract, negligence or otherwise with respect to, orarising out of such equipment. The remedies set forth herein are exclusive, and theliability of the Nilfisk companies with respect to this sale or anything done in connectiontherewith, whether in contract, in tort, under any warranty, or otherwise, shall not exceptas expressly provided herein, exceed the price of the equipment or part on which suchliability is based.The warranty does not cover repairs due to normal wear and tear, accident, neglect,misuse or abuse, incorrect installation or use other than as described in theinstruction booklet. Breaks in hoses and cables are not covered. This warranty isrendered void if the motor number plate is removed or defaced or if repairs aremade or attempted by persons not authorized by the Nilfisk companies.MACHINE SET-UP:Before turning on the motor: Install the microfilter (#616821-Felt,#017230-AES Polycomposite, #017220-01-Gore-Tex®), the smallfelt sock, on the bottom of the motor by sliding the filter over themotor bottom, and covering as much of the bottom as the depth ofthe filter will permit (photo 1). Be sure the filter's elastic collarholds the filter snugly in place and is as high up on the motorbottom as possible.2. Next, mount the HEPA/ULPA filter (#01710440/01710440)according to the accompanying bulletin. Place the motor back inthe cavity in the top of the cleaner (photo 2). Fasten the motor headin place using either the positive twist safety latches or thestandard latches, depending on which option you purchased.Photo 1Photo 2