8/00 Form No. 56040723© 2000 Printed in USA, Nilfisk-Advance, Inc.1FRONT234AB56410174 BACK-UP ALARM KITFor Advance Hydro-Retriever™ 3800 (model 56410000) / Nilfisk BR 1100CONTENTS OF KITITEM REF. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION56040723 1 Instruction Sheet1 56009033 2 Scr, Hex Thd Form 1/4-20 x .502 56409232 1 Back-Up Alarm3 56409538 2 Insulator, Terminal4 56410171 1 Wire Assembly, PigtailINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNING!DISCONNECT BATTERIES BEFORE SERVICING.1 If Items (2, 3 & 4) are not already assembled together, do so before proceeding.2 Slip one Terminal Insulator (3) over each wire of the Wire assembly (4) as shown.3 Attach the RED wire from Wire Assembly(4) to the (+) terminal and the BLACK wirefrom Wire Assembly (4) to the (-) termi-nal of the Back-Up Alarm (2), then slidethe Terminal Insulators (3) over each ter-minal.4 Under the left rear corner of the machine,there are (2) pre-drilled holes (A). Mountthe Back-Up Alarm (2) with the (2) Screws(1) from the kit as shown.5 Route the Wire Assembly (4) up throughhole (B).6 Drain and tip the recovery tank back.7 Next to the squeegee lift actuator at therear of the machine there is a bundle ofwire connectors. Find the wire connec-tor which has (1) BLK wire and (1) WHTwire connected to it and remove the pro-tective plug. Plug Wire Assembly (4) intothis connector.8 Reconnect the batteries and test theBack-Up Alarm by driving the machine inreverse.