S31NUK5120(3)2001-04Warning: the following interventions must be done with machine in Off condition and master keyout. All the periodic maintenance operations must be performed by skilled personnel orby an authorized service centre.Every maintenance intervention on the petrol engine must be performed in agreement with theengine User Manual.Note: the battery life will depend on a good periodic maintenance (check of the level of theelectrolyte and of battery voltage). Besides it must be taken into account that an unusedbattery is submitted to a self-discharge phenomenon. In the event that the machine is notused for a long time (e.g. 3 or 4 weeks) it is necessary TO RECHARGE THE BATTERY;infact the battery voltage MUST NEVER drop down below 20 Volt.SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCECONTROLS (petrol version)24For SR1100: 3200 engine shaft RPM with no function working and battery voltage higher than 27VoltFor SR 1200: 3300 engine shaft RPM with no function working and battery voltage higher than 27Volt(+) 20 hours or not more than 1 month(++) 100 hours or not more than 8 monthsCONTROL UPONDELIVERYTWOTIMES PERWEEKONETIME PERWEEKEVERY20HOURSEVERY50HOURSEVERY100HOURSEVERY400HOURSBattery liquid level and voltagecheck ● ●Engine air filter cleaning ●Panel filter cleaning ●Engine oil level check 1st TIME ●Engine oil replacement ● (+)1st TIME ● (++)Engine RPM check andadjustment (*) ●Check the carbon brushes of allelectrical motors and replacethem if worn●Belt tension ● ●Brake adjustment ● ●Filter shaker ●Nut and screw tightness ●Wear of main brush and sidebrushes ●Sealing of gaskets of filtercompartment and of flaps ● ●Clean the steering chain and(SR 1200 - SR 5120 only) thetraction wheels chains with gas-oil or a proper solvent.●