Dust Control System 48Service Manual – SW8000Misting Pump will not RunOperation of the misting pump relay coil has two dependencies. The misting pump switch must be closed forpositive voltage at the relay coil, and the controller output for the side broom provides the negative voltageat the coil. If the side broom is functional and in motion, then the controller is known to not be the cause ofthe problem. If the side broom is not functioning, then troubleshoot the side broom first. Use the followingsteps to isolate the cause.Misting pump will not runwhen the switch is onCheck for 12 volts at themisting pump connector.Unplug the relayand check thevoltage at the plugBat+ to Brn/Blk ≠ 12VSwap the misting pump relayfor an adjacent relay, such asthe horn or lights, and checkthe misting pump functionYesNoNoYes Replace themisting pumpConfirm 12 voltsat CB8 breakerDoneVerify that the side broom(s)are enabled and turningReplace themisting pump relayDoneRepair/replace wire to controllerRepair/replace wire to pumpThe misting pump will notoperate if the side broom(s)are not running. Troubleshootthe side brooms firstIf the side brooms areworking, then the controlboard is known to be workingVerify that the CB8 circuitbreaker is not trippedNoYesBat- to Blu/Orn ≠ 12VBat- to Blu ≠ 12VBat+ to Gra/Orn ≠ 12VRepair/replace wire to breakerConfirm 12 voltsat S26 switch Repair/replace wire to switch