13Flight preparationOpen the transmitter battery compartment and insert thefour AA cells* (check for correct polarity).Switch the transmitter on (Fig. 1). The battery status isdisplayed on the right-hand side of the screen. Move thethrottle stick and trim to the bottom position (towards you).Open the canopy, and connect the fully charged LiPo flightbattery. Ensure that the leads are firmly secured in the fu-selage (Figs. 2 - 3).Replace the canopy on the model.The transmitter and receiver are now ready for use. Re-peat this procedure every time you wish to fly the model.Note: the 2.4 GHz transmitter and receiver are suppliedalready bound at the factory. It will only be necessary tobind the system again after a repair, or if you replace acomponent.The correct pre-flight procedure.Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3Checking the working systemsBefore the first flight it is important to set all the trims - ex-cept for the throttle trim - to centre. The throttle stick mustbe in the "fully back" position (towards you). If the propellerturns, adjust the throttle trim until it comes to a halt.The correct post-flight procedure.Open the canopy and remove the flight battery. Replacethe canopy on the model, then switch the transmitter off.Preparations for the first flight:Wait for a day with absolute flat calm conditions.Charge the flight battery before flying.Operating instructions - SKY RUNNER RTF FTR 2.4 GHz No. NE2007FTRa*Notes on the use of dry cells:Do not attempt to recharge dry cells, do not openthem, and do not incinerate them. Remove exhau-sted dry cells from the transmitter after use. Escapedelectrolyte may ruin the transmitter.