9OperationCOLORSThere is a choice of the colors bar: 8 colors or 12colors8 colors bar:Red, orange, yellow, green, light green, lake blue, light blue, dark blue12 colors bar:Dark red, red, orange, ochre, yellow, light green, green, light blue, cyan,gray, purple, blue.SHALLOW ALARMThe shallow alarm depth can be set between 0.8~10.0m.If the shallow alarm function is on, it will sound an alarm when the seabottom becomes shallower than the set depth.Press any key on the operator unit to mute the alarm.BUZZER SW ITCHTurn the buzzer on or off.“ ” indicates the buzzer is on.“ ” indicates the buzzer is off.UNITChoose the depth unit: m (Meter), fm (Fathom).