HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL86037520 05/01/071-1This manual contains the following sections:- HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL- SAFETY- OPERATIONS- MAINTENANCE- PARTS LISTThe HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL section will tellyou how to find important information for orderingcorrect repair parts.Parts may be ordered from authorized dealers.When placing an order for parts, the machine modeland machine serial number are important. Refer tothe MACHINE DATA box which is filled out duringthe installation of your machine. The MACHINEDATA box is located to the inside of the front coverof this manual.The model and serial number of your machine is onthe front of the Frame.The SAFETY section contains important informationregarding hazard or unsafe practices of themachine. Levels of hazards are identified that couldresult in product or personal injury, or severe injuryresulting in death.The OPERATIONS section is to familiarize theoperator with the operation and function of themachine.The MAINTENANCE section contains preventivemaintenance to keep the machine and itscomponents in good working condition. They arelisted in this general order:- Maintenance- Lubrication- Vacuum Motor Replacement- Solution Pump Replacement- TroubleshootingThe PARTS LIST section contains assembled partsillustrations and corresponding parts list. The partslists include a number of columns of information:- REF – column refers to the referencenumber on the parts illustration.- PART NO. – column lists the partnumber for the part.- PRV NO. – reference number.- QTY – column lists the quantity of thepart used in that area of the machine.- DESCRIPTION – column is a briefdescription of the part.- SERIAL NO. FROM – column indicatesthe first machine the part number isapplicable to. When the machine designhas changed, this column will indicateserial number of applicable machine.The main illustration shows the mostcurrent design of the machine. Theboxed illustrations show older designs.- NOTES – column for information notnoted by the other columns.NOTE: If a service or option kit is installed on yourmachine, be sure to keep the KIT INSTRUCTIONSwhich came with the kit. It contains replacementparts numbers needed for ordering future parts.NOTE: The number on the lower left corner of thefront cover is the part number for this manual.MODEL _____________________________________DATE OF PURCHASE ________________________SERIAL NUMBER ____________________________SALES REPRESENTATIVE # ___________________SERIAL # TAG