11ninjakitchen.com.au | ninjakitchen.co.nzAUS + 61 2 8801 7666 | NZ + 64 800 112 66010 11USING THE POWER NUTRI CUP3 Place the Hybrid Edge Blades Assemblyon the top of the cup and turn clockwiseto seal.5a If using an Auto-iQ program, selectthe program that best suits yourdesired output. The preset feature willautomatically stop at the end of theprogram. To stop the unit at any time,press the currently active program again.5b If using START/STOP, once theingredients have reached your desiredconsistency, press START/STOP againand wait for the unit to come to acomplete stop.4 Turn the cup upside down and install onthe motor base by aligning the tabs onthe cup with the slots on the base. Then,rotate cup clockwise until it clicks. Oncelocked in place, the available programbuttons will illuminate and the unit willbe ready for use.7 Remove the blade assembly by twistinganti-clockwise. DO NOT store blendedcontents with the blade assemblyattached. Only use the Spout Lid tocover. Exercise care when handling theblade assembly, as the blades are sharp.8 To enjoy on the go, place the Spout Lidonto the cup and twist lid clockwiseuntil firmly sealed.9 Unplug the unit when finished. Referto the Care & Maintenance section forcleaning and storage instructions.6 Remove the cup from the motor baseby turning it anti-clockwise and thenlifting up.IMPORTANT: Review all warnings onpages 4–5 before proceeding.2 Add ingredients to the Power Nutri Cup.DO NOT add ingredients past theMAX LIQUID line.1 Plug in motor base and place on a clean,dry, level surface such as a worktop or table.NOTE: If the unit is plugged in, but thejug or cup and blade assembly is notproperly installed, the timer will display- -” and the motor will be disabled.NOTE: If the motor base is difficultto remove from the worktop or table,slide it across the surface, then lift. Itshouldn’t be forced as the suction cupswill grip more tightly to the surface.NOTE: Auto-iQ programs have pausesand changes in speed throughout thecycle.NOTE: The Power Nutri Cup and Jugshare the Hybrid Edge Blade Assembly.Unscrew from pre-assembled Jug.POWERMIXBLENDCRUSHMIXPUREECHOPPOWERMIXBLENDCRUSHMIXPUREECHOPWARNING: Handle the Hybrid EdgeBlades Assembly with care, as the blades areloose and sharp.WARNING: Remove utensils prior toprocessing. Failure to remove may cause thePower Nutri Cup to be damaged or to shatter,which may cause personal injury.WARNING: Do not blend hot, effervescent,or carbonated liquids. Doing so may causeexcessive pressure buildup, resulting in riskof laceration and/or the user being burned.WARNING: Remove the Hybrid EdgeBlades Assembly from the Power Nutri Cup uponcompletion of blending. Do not store ingredientsbefore or after blending them in the cup with theblade assembly attached. Some foods maycontain active ingredients or release gases thatwill expand if left in a sealed container, resultingin excessive pressure buildup that can pose a riskof injury.