株式会社日新テクニカホームページ:http://www.nissin-tech.com メール:info@nission-tech.com22(ETH1 works as WAN, ETH2 works as LAN.)In this mode, WIFI enable, module works in the client mode, ETH1, ETH2 function close.Through the appropriate settings, the data between COM1 and WIFI network can achieve mutualconversion.WIFI CLIENT can be configured as dynamic IP address (DHCP), can also be configured asstatic IP address (STATIC).WIFI safety: support all encryption methods at present.6.3 Serial to WIFI APSerialDHCP ENABLEWIFIAPCOM1Serial WiFiRouterMCU WIFI CLIENT(PHONE, pad)(ETH1 works as WAN, ETH2 works as LAN.)In this mode, WIFI enable, module works in the AP mode, ETH1, ETH2 function close.Through the appropriate settings, the data between COM1 and WIFI network can achieve mutualconversion.WIFI safety: support all encryption methods at present.In this mode, WIFI device can connect with the module and become the device under WIFILAN.6.4 Default modeSerialDHCP ENABLEETH1ETH2WANLANWIFIAPCOM1Serial WiFiRouterWIFICLIENT(PHONE,pad)MCU