- 28 -n Sensor Timeout (1 ~ 30 seconds)Set the timeout of fingerprint input. The LED blinks and theterminal waits for fingerprint input during the specified seconds.After that time, the LED will be turned off. The default is 5 . Usethe number keys to enter the value and press the Enter key.:n Auto-On CheckAuto-On check is an automatic finger detection function. Ifsomeone place finger on the sensor, it detects finger and simuatespressing Enter Key.The initial setting is ON . Move to the value you want to choosewith the direction keys and press the Enter key.This feature can increase security but it may slow downauthentication time. So if high level of security is required,you can use this feature. But you'd better not use thisfeature in an environment where convenience andquickness are more important (i.e. when used forattendance management).