Automatic Call DistributionACD Member (Agent)Your extension may be in an Automatic Call Distribution group. Themembers of your ACD group share responsibility for answering thegroup’s calls. ACD evenly distributes the calls among the groupmembers. Normally, the member (agent) that has been idle the longestgets the next call.From time to time, you may need to temporarily remove yourself fromthe group (for example, when you go to lunch). When you become OffDuty, ACD no longer sends calls to your extension. When you becomeOn Duty, you’ll again start to receive ACD calls.7REHFRPH2QRU2II'XW\ 1. )2. Press [.3. Dial 6 to go Off Duty; dial 4 to goOn Duty.4. Dial #.ACD SupervisorYou may be an ACD supervisor. If you are, you should have a displaykeyset. You should also have a DSS Console with a Hotline key for eachgroup member and your ACD group master number. As a supervisor,you can:l Monitor the status of your group on your DSS Console. You can bethe supervisor of more than one ACD group.l Be notified when all agents are busy, and how long calls have beenwaiting for an available agent. Your telephone display shows this in-formation.l Make agents On or Off Duty.Automatic Call Distribution20