Thermo Scientific AquaSensors™ AquaClear ™ Low Range Turbidimeter User Guide 278. DataStick Comms MenuIt is recommended that the data in this menu not be changed unless the user clearly understands how toconnect multiple DataSticks into a single AV38.Up to 247 DataSticks can be connected to a single AV38. Any two of them can be selected for local display,current loop reporting and relay control. The DataStick station number that is selected is displayed in the lowerright corner of the measure screen. If “DataStick Absent” is displayed in the measure screen, it is likely that theDataStick connected to the AV38 is set up for the wrong station number, Baud rate or parity.The default communications settings for all Modbus Communications Adapters are:1. DS1 Station set to Modbus Station 12. DS2 Station set to Modbus Station 13. Data Type of Little Endian Word Swap, 124. Baud rate of 19.2 kbps5. Parity is ODDTo change the Station Number, Data Type, Baud rate or Parity in a DataStick, refer to the MODBUSCommunications Adapter User’s Manual (PN: MAN021CA-4). Thermo Fisher Scientific will provide customsettings at the factory on request. This is useful when more than one DataStick is being connected to theAV38.The AV38 DataStick Communications menu is used to set the parameters that the AV38 uses to communicatewith the DataStick. The complete DataStick Comms menu is shown.8.1. Setting DataStick Station NumberThe DataStick Station Number used by the AV38 is displayed in the lower right corner of the MEASUREscreen. It can be viewed or changed in the DataStick Comms Menu by selecting “SET DS1 Station ” or “SetDS2 Station” with the ENTER key. The default Station Number for both measure screens is 1.DataStick CommsSet DS1 StationSet DS2 StationData TypeSet BaudSet ParityExitDataStick Comms Set DS1 StationMENU ESC ENTER