135. LOSING HEIGHTThe knowledge of the different descent techniques is an importantresource to use in certain situations. The most adequate descent methodwill depend on the particular situation.We recommend that you learn to use these manoeuvres under the tuitionof a competent school.5.1 EARSBig ears is a moderate descent technique, achieving about –3 or –4 m/sand a reduction in ground speed of between 3 and 5 km/h. Effectivepiloting then becomes limited. The angle of incidence and the surfacewing load also increases. Push on the accelerator to restore the wing’shorizontal speed and the angle of incidence.To activate big ears outer line 4A2 on each A risers and simultaneously,smoothly pull them outward and downward. The wingtips will fold in. Letgo of the lines and the big ears will re-inflate automatically. If they do notre-inflate, gently pull on one of the brake lines and then on the oppositeone. We recommend that you re-inflate asymmetrically, not to alter theangle of incidence, more so if you are flying near the ground or flying inturbulence.5.2 4B2 TECHNIQUEOn the new generation paragliders the application of big ears can createa high degree of trailing turbulence which in turn creates a significantloss of airspeed. When big ears are applied to high aspect ratio wingsthe ears tend to “flap” which also adds to the amount of unwantedturbulence.This new rapid descent technique was first discovered by our Niviukteam Pilots in 2009 while flying a competition prototype wing, whichbecause of its line plan and high aspect ratio would not allow big earsto be applied. In fact big ears on wings with a profile of 2 lines can oftenprove difficult.For all these reasons, we advise the use of the 4B2 line descenttechnique. This technique ensures a rapid descent is achieved whilstforward wing speed is maintained and so the risk of a deep stall iseliminated.HOW?Locate the 4B2 on your risers and as you would when applying big earssimply pull down firmly and smoothly until you see both wingtips dropback slightly. The forward speed of the glider speed will then reduceslightly, quickly stabilize and then increase. You will then experiencea fall rate of around 5-6m/s. Controlled turning of the wing can easilybe maintained by weight shifting the harness, exactly the same as youwould with big ears. We recommend the application of the speed barwhilst using this technique. To exit the maneuver release the lines as youwould with big ears, control the pitch and the wing will quickly adoptnormal flight.This new technique allows a comfortable and controllable rapid descentwithout the risk of experiencing a “cravat” or “deep stall”.We advise you to first try this technique in smooth conditions withsufficient altitude above appropriate terrain.5.3 B-LINE STALLWhen you carry out this manoeuvre, the wing stops flying, it loses allhorizontal speed and you are not in control of the paraglider. The aircirculation over the profile is interrupted and the wing enters into asituation similar to parachuting.To carry out this manoeuvre you have to take the B-risers below the