Instruction ManualNIVUS Full Pipepage 28 NFP - rev. 04 / 23.05.201820.5.2 Sensor ConnectionThe sensor is equipped with a fixed cable Type LIY11Y 2x1.5 mm² + 1x2x0.34 mm² with vari-ous possible lengths.The allowed maximum fixed cable length between flow velocity sensor and transmitter is150 m.It is possible to extend the sensor cable up to a total length of 150 m using the cable typementioned above or an adequate cable type.Use metal boxIf you use a connection box in order to extend the cable, this box must be made of metal.Necessarily connect the shields of feed and return cable to the shield connections of theconnection box.Disregarding may cause EMC errors.Eliminate the possibility of improper connectionsImproper connections which lead to higher transition resistance or the use of other cablesmay lead to disturbance and errors in the measurement.Disregarding may lead to errors or measurement failure.Route the cable correctly within the Ex zoneFor use of the sensors in the Ex-area, the sensor cables must not be directed past the me-chanical shield between the termination blocks.Use the cable gland directly underneath the sensor terminal block.The sensor cable has to be connected to the transmitter at the termination block using con-nectors with screw clamps.• Lead the sensor cable from outside through the cable gland.• Connect the sensor cables to the connection board as descripted in the wiring diagram.• Tighten the cable gland to fix the sensor cable.The diagram below applies in case of connecting a flow velocity sensor:Fig. 20-4 Connection of a flow velocity sensor Type POA Ex version