114. COMMISSIONING, TRANSPORTING, DECOMMISSIONINGa. CommissioningTable 2: Commissioning dataType PS E12BM/ 2000 PS E12NM/ 2000Commissioningweight [kg] 560 530Dimensions[mm] 2000 2000After receiving our new stacker or for re-commissioning you have to do following before (firstly)operating the truck:• Check if are all parts included and not damaged• Make sure the tiller is assembled correctly (electrical socket is connected and fixed with two plasticclamps, circlip of the axle is installed)• Check that battery is charged (follow chapter 8)• Do the work according to the daily inspections as well as functional checks.b. Lifting/ transportationFor transporting, remove the load, lower the forks to the lowest position and fix the truck safe withdedicated lifting gear according to the following figures.LiftingUSE DEDICATED CRANE AND LIFTING EQUIPMENTDO NOT STAND UNDER THE SWAYING LOADDO NOT WALK INTO THE HAZARDOUS AREA DURING LIFTINGPark the truck securely and lash the truck according to the points identified in Fig. 5. Lift the truck to itsdestination and place the truck securely before removing the lifting gear. The lashing points areaccording to the Fig. 5.Fig. 5: Lifting with a crane Fig. 6: Fixing points