383.8 BATTERY INDICATORType: CURTIS 803RB2448BCJ3010Front View Rear ViewTERMINAL ASSIGNMENTPin 7 or 8 = Battery +. Single voltage models: Pin 8 to battery +; Pin 7, open. Dual voltage models:When vehicle voltage is the higher voltage of the 2 operating voltages, Pin 8 connects to battery +; Pin 7,open. When vehicle voltage is the lower of the 2 operating voltages, Pin 7 connects to battery +, Pin 8,open.The discharge indicator uses Pin 7 or 8 for its battery state-of-charge measurements. Connection are tobe made as close as possible to battery to prevent voltage drops that will cause errors in dischargeindicator readings. The connection is not to be switched by the vehicle’s keyswitch.Pin 5 = Battery –Connect to battery ground as close to batteryas possible.Pin 2 = Keyswitch. The keyswitch turns on and off the LED display of the battery discharge indicator.Monitoring of the battery continues when Pin 2 is turned off and the display is not lit. The hour meterdisplay is unaffected by Pin 2, although it cannot accumulate more time as long as the keyswitch pin isnot energized. The control inputs HRM (+) and HRM (–) are enabled by the keyswitch. Pin 2 isconnected to the vehicle’s keyswitch.Pins 1 & 6 = Hour Meter Control. In normal operation, Pin 1 or 6 is connected and the other is left open.Only one of these pins is connected when using normal hour meter function. It is possible to or the hourmeter between the two inputs so that it accumulates the total time either system is on. Hour metercontrol logic is detailed in Table 2.Pin 6 = Hour Meter +. HRM (+) (for use with a switched positive voltage). Pin 6 connects to a highvoltage as defined in Table 1. to activate the hour meter. Leaving Pin 6 open or connecting it to a lowvoltage gives control of the hour meter to the Hour Meter (–) input. See Table 2.Pin 1 = Hour Meter –. HRM (–) (for use with a switched ground). Pin 1 connects to a low voltage level asdefined in Table 1 to activate the hour meter. Leaving Pin 1 openor connecting it to high voltage givescontrol of the hour meter to the Hour Meter (+) input.Pin 3 = Relay. Pin 3 connects in series with the lift coil circuit (or the circuit to be switched at empty). For