41SN-SMART6.3 Add contact1. Open contact list2. Tap the icon on the right corner.3. Select a contact to add to your device, SIM card or other new accounts.4. Modify contact information (such as name, number)5. Tap finish when you complete the modification.6.4 Lead-in/out and share the contact informationIf you have contact saved in, select the information contact then tap Menù iconShare: you can share the contact by Bluetooth, Email, Gmail, MMS, SMS, SD-Card.Associate SIM card: you can associate the contact with the SIM card you selected.(Remark: the SIM association will import the contact into phone first).6.5 Search contact1. Open contact listTap on the left corner.Input the name you are looking for (can be pinyin, initial, Chinese or part of the numbers)and the similar contact number will be show down the search panel.2. Tap matched contact to check the details.7. EMAILYou can check/send e-mail by the device conveniently.The function attached instruction to make you conveniently set email service.You can do as follow:1. Setting email accountYou will need to tap icon set email account when first use.Remarks:When getting a new mail, status panel will show relevant notice as well.Open notice panel, tap on mail to read.2. Write and send the mail3. Add signature for your mail4. Add mail account5. Modify mail account8. MESSAGETap icon to open message function. Tap menuTo delete all threads, Settings, Wap push messages, SIM SMS.8.1 Send SMS1. Tap icon to write new message.2. Tap to add the receiver3. Tap menu you can do some operations as below:Insert quick text, Insert contact, add subject, discard;4. Tap send a message8.2 Send MMS1. Tap icon write new information2. Tap menu > Add subject to input MMS topic or tap on the left to add MMSattachment