2. Enter a station name or the first letters of the name inthe search field, and select Search.Matching stations are displayed.To listen to a station, select the station and Listen.To save a station to your favourites, select the station andOptions > Add to Favourites.To make another search, select Options > Searchagain.Station directorySelect Menu > Media > Radio > Internet radio andStation directory.The station directory is maintained by Nokia. If you wantto listen to internet radio stations outside the directory,add station information manually or browse for stationlinks on the internet with the Web browser application.Select from the following:• Browse by genre — View the available radio stationgenres.• Browse by language — View the languages in whichthere are stations broadcasting.• Browse by country/region — View the countries inwhich there are stations broadcasting.• Top stations — View the most popular stations in thedirectory.Internet radio settingsSelect Menu > Media > Radio > Internet radio andOptions > Settings.To select the default access point to connect to thenetwork, select Default access point and from theavailable options. If you want the device to ask you toselect the access point every time you open theapplication, select Always ask.To change the connection speeds for different connectiontypes, select from the following:• GPRS connection bitrate — GPRS packet dataconnections• 3G connection bitrate — 3G packet data connections• Wi-Fi connection bitrate — WLAN connectionsThe quality of the radio broadcast depends on the selectedconnection speed. The higher the speed, the better thequality. To avoid buffering, use the highest quality onlywith high speed connections.101 Media