What Data Do We Collect?We collect your personal datatypically when you make apurchase, use or register intoour products and services,take part in a campaign orotherwise interact with us.Below are examples of thecategories of data we collect.• Your use of our productsand servicesWhen you use our productsand services your IP-address, access times, thewebsite you linked from,pages you visit, the links youuse, the content you viewedand other such informationyour browser provides uswith is automaticallycollected by Nokia. Some ofour mobile services maycollect your unique mobiledevice identifiers,subscriber identityinformation, networkservice provider specificidentifiers, network settingsand other such information.When you use our productsand services or otherwiseinteract with us overtelecommunicationsnetworks, certain additionalinformation, such as yourmobile subscription number,may be transmitted to us byyour mobile networkprovider.• Information you provide uswithWe may ask you to provideus with information such asyour name, email address,street address, user namesand passwords, yourconsents, preferences andfeedback, informationrelating to your devices, age,gender, postal code andlanguage preferences.Please note that certainnon-identifiable informationcollected from you maybecome personallyidentifiable when you40