M e n u f u n c t i o n s23If the alarm time is reached while the device is switched off, the device switchesitself on and starts sounding the alarm tone. If you select Stop, the device askswhether you want to activate the device for calls. Select No to switch off thedevice or Yes to make and receive calls. Do not select Yes when wireless phoneuse may cause interference or danger.■ RemindersTo save a short text note with an alarm, select Menu > Reminders >Add new. When the reminder time is reached, select Quit to stop thealarm or Postp. to let the phone alarm again in 10 minutes.■ ExtrasCalculatorNote: This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed forsimple calculations.Select Menu > Extras > Calculator.1. Press keys 0 to 9 to insert digits and # to insert a decimal point. To change thesign of the entered number, press *.2. Scroll up or down to highlight +, -, x, or /.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if necessary.4. To get the result, select Equals.ConverterYou can convert different measurement units.