[ 85 ]Special featuresAlarm when phone power is offIf the alarm time is reached while the phone is off, the phone switchesitself on and starts sounding the alarm tone. If you press Stop, the phoneasks whether you want to activate the phone for calls. Press No to switchoff the phone or Yes to make and receive calls.Note: Do not press Yes when wireless phone use is prohibited orwhen it may cause interference or danger.Turn off the alarm clock1 Press Menu 4-1-1 (Settings > Time settings > Alarm clock).2 Scroll to Off and press Select.• SEND AND RECEIVE BUSINESS CARDSYour phone can send or receive electronic business cards consisting of aname, phone number and e-mail. You can save received business cards inyour phone book. This is a network dependent feature.Send a business card1 Find the name in your phone book.2 Press Options and scroll to Send bus. card.3 Press Select.4 Enter or recall the phone number to which you want to send thebusiness card and press Send.View a received business cardWhen you receive a business card, the phone displays Business cardreceived.1 When your phone displays Business card received, press Options.2 Show is selected. Press Select.3 Scroll through the available information.