should position the device the above-stated distance from your body.To send data files or messages requiresa quality connection to the network.Data files or messages may be delayeduntil such a connection is available.Follow the separation distanceinstructions until the transmission iscompleted.Parts of the device are magnetic.Metallic materials may be attracted tothe device. Do not place credit cards orother magnetic storage media near thedevice, because information stored onthem may be erased.Medical devicesOperation of radio transmittingequipment, including wireless phones,may interfere with the function ofinadequately protected medicaldevices. Consult a physician or themanufacturer of the medical device todetermine whether they are adequatelyshielded from external RF energy.Switch off your device when regulationsposted instruct you to do so. Hospitalsor health care facilities may useequipment sensitive to external RFenergy.Implanted medical devicesManufacturers of medical devicesrecommend a minimum separation of15.3 centimetres (6 inches) between awireless device and an implantedmedical device, such as a pacemaker orimplanted cardioverter defibrillator, toavoid potential interference with themedical device. Persons who have suchdevices should:• Always keep the wireless devicemore than 15.3 centimetres (6inches) from the medical device.• Not carry the wireless device in abreast pocket.• Hold the wireless device to the earopposite the medical device.• Turn the wireless device off ifthere is any reason to suspect thatinterference is taking place.• Follow the manufacturerdirections for the implantedmedical device.If you have any questions about usingyour wireless device with an implantedmedical device, consult your health careprovider.26 Additional safety information© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.26