44Access No. + Phone No. + Card No.Use for cards that require you to enter a 1-800 accessnumber first, then require you to enter a phone numberafter you hear a tone, then a card number after you hearanother tone.Access No. + Card No. + Phone No.Use for cards that require you to enter a 1-800 accessnumber first, then require you to enter your card numberafter you hear a tone, then the phone number after youhear another tone.10xxx + Phone No. + Card No.Use for cards that require you to enter an access number(beginning with 10 then 3 digits), followed by the phonenumber after you hear a tone, then a card number after youhear a tone.0 + Phone No. + Card No.Use for cards that require you to enter 0, then the phonenumber after you hear a tone, then a card number after youhear a tone.6) The phone then prompts you for other card information,which may include: SELECT PREFIX, Card No:, andCard name:. At each of these prompts, press .For SELECT PREFIX, use t or s to move the pointer tothe prefix that your calling card requires you to enter beforethe phone number. Then press .For Access No:, Card No:, and Card name:, enterthe information then press .The phone briefly displays CARD READY FOR USE, and usesthe card for which you just entered information.