21Default configu ration settings—to view the list of service providers stored on the phone (thedefault service provider is highlighted)Activate default in all applications—to set the applications to use the settings from thedefault service providerPreferred access point—to select another access point. Normally the access point from yourpreferred network operator is to be used.Connect to service provider support—to download the configuration settings from yourservice providerPersonal configu ration settings—to enter, view, and edit the settings manually■ Operator menuThis menu allows you to access a portal to services provided by your network operator. This menuis operator specific. The name and the icon depend on the operator. The operator can update thismenu with a service message. For more information, contact your network operator.■ GalleryIn this menu, you can manage images, themes, graphics, recordings, and tones.These files are arranged in folders.Your phone supports a digital rights management (DRM) system to protectacquired content. Always check the delivery terms of any content and activationkey before acquiring them, as they may be subject to a fee.To see the list of folders, select Menu > Gallery > Themes, Graphics, Tones, Music files,Recordings, or Receiv. files .To view the list of files in a folder, select a folder and Open.To see the available options of a folder or a file, select a folder or a file and Options.■ MediaRadioThe FM radio depends on an antenna other than the wireless device antenna.A compatible headset or enhancement needs to be attached to the device for the FM radioto function properly.Warning: Listen to music at a moderate level. Continuous exposure to high volumemay damage your hearing.Select Menu > Media > Radio, or in the standby mode press and hold *.If you have already saved radio stations, scroll up or down to switch between saved stations,or press the corresponding number keys of the memory location of the desired station.