M e s s a g i n g31Delete > Image, Sound clip, or Video clip—Delete an image, sound clip, or video clipfile from your message. Only appears when your message has a file attachment.Delete > Slide—Delete the current slide from your message.Edit subject—Edit the subject heading.Clear text—Erases all text from the current slide in your message.Preview—Preview the message or slide presentation before sending it. Select Stopto end the preview. Select Play to start the preview again or Back to return to thelist of options.Previous slide—Move to the previous slide. Option only appears if there is aprevious slide.Next slide—Move to the next slide. Option only appears if there is a next slide.Slide list—Shows a list of all slides. Select the slide you wish to edit.Slide timing—Set the timing interval for each slide. By default, each slide appearsfor 12 seconds.Place text first or Place text last—Move text to the top or bottom of the slide. Bydefault, the text appears at the bottom or last.Save—Saves the message to Saved items.More options > Insert contact—Insert a name from your contacts list intoyour message.More options > Insert number—Insert a phone number or find a phone number inthe contacts list.More options > Message details—Shows the details of your multimedia message.Exit editor—Exits the message editor.Insert smiley—Insert a smiley.Insert word or Edit word—Enter or edit the text of a new word that might not appearin the predictive text dictionary. This appears only when predictive text is on.Insert symbol—Insert a special character. This appears only when predictive textis on.Writing language—Choose the language you want to use.Prediction on or Prediction off—Turn predictive text on or off.Matches—View matches found in the predictive text dictionary for the word youwant to use. This appears only when predictive text is on.