M i n i b r o w s e r7512. MinibrowserMinibrowser is a network service.See “Network services”, p. ix, for moreinformation.Your phone has a built-in mobile Webbrowser you can use to connect toselected services on the mobileinternet. If your wireless serviceprovider or network operator supportsthis feature, you can view weatherreports, check news or flight times,view financial information, and muchmore. The Web browser on your phonecan display WAP-based content.Your device may have some bookmarksloaded for sites not affiliated withNokia. Nokia does not warrant orendorse these sites. If you choose toaccess them, you should take the sameprecautions, for security or content, asyou would with any internet site.If the security indicator ( ) isdisplayed during a connection, thedata transmission between the deviceand the internet gateway or server isencrypted. The service provider securesthe data transmission between thegateway and the content server.Important: Use only servicesthat you trust and that offeradequate security andprotection against harmfulsoftware.■ Mobile internetaccessBecause mobile internet content isdesigned to be viewed from yourphone, your wireless provider is nowyour mobile internet service provideras well.Your wireless provider has created ahome page and set up your browser togo to this page when you log on to themobile internet. Once at your serviceprovider’s home page, you may findlinks to a number of other sites.It should not be necessary to manuallyconfigure the browser on your phone.Normally this is done by your wirelessprovider when you subscribe to thefeature. Contact your wireless providerif you have problems using thebrowser.■ Sign on to the mobileinternetSelect Menu > Minibrowser.After a brief pause, your phoneattempts to connect to your wirelessprovider’s home page. If you receive anerror message, your phone may not beset up for browsing. Contact yourwireless provider to make sure thatyour phone is configured properly.9251716_2865_1_en_au_oth_v1.0.fm Page 75 Friday, September 1, 2006 10:18 PM