ContentsSafety 5About this user guide 7Get started 7Keys and parts 7Insert the SIM card andbattery 8Insert a memory card 12Charge the battery 14Charge the battery overUSB 15Antenna locations 17Attach a strap 18Switch it on 18Network services andcosts 18Access codes 19Switch the phone on oroff 20Lock the keys andscreen 21Touch screen actions 22Deactivate touch screenvibration feedback 24Interactive home screenelements 24Change the volume of acall, song, or video 25Indicators 26Messaging key 27Copy contacts orpictures from your olddevice 27Use your phone offline 28Personalisation 29About the home screen 29Add a shortcut to thehome screen 29Add your importantcontacts to the homescreen 30Personalise the Go tomenu 31Personalise the homescreen 312 MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack