[ 20 ]4• USE THE SELECTION KEYSNote the two selection keys beneath the screen. What these keys do isdetermined by the word shown above them on the screen.• For example, pressing the left selection key when Menu appearsabove it shows the first of many menus. You scroll through the menususing the [up] and [down] keys.• Pressing the right selection key [graphic] when Names appears aboveit opens the phone book menu.When this guide says, “Press Menu,” it means, “Press the selection keybeneath the word Menu.”• CHECK IN-PHONE HELPYour phone provides brief descriptions of all menu options in an “in-phone” help system.1 Scroll to a menu or submenu option.2 Wait about 10 seconds.A short message appears, describing the option and what it does.• BROWSE PHONE MENUSA menu is a list of choices you can make to change settings on your phoneor use various phone features. Your phone has 12 menus.Each menu can contain several levels of submenus. You can use menusand submenus two ways: by scrolling or by using a shortcut.You have an active data or .Symbol What it means