7/74. TROUBLESHOOTINGI can’t get connection to a media server.Create a new access point to in your device based on a WAP access point.- Change Gateway IP address to Set authentication as Normal- Replace access point name with Network operators internet access pointname. Most common access point name is ‘internet’.Set this new access point as default access point to RealOne Player Network settings.GPRS symbol is just blinking few seconds and disappears.Check from your Network operator that GPRS service is available and has been activated toyour SIM cardI have received RealOne link via BT or IrDA. When I open it, anote appears in my screen.From option select save. Then open Notes application (Extras). Openlatest Note you have there. Copy the address and paste it toRealOne Player (Options – Open – URL address)Copyright © Nokia 2003. All rights reserved | ver. 1.0