formatted. You may also need to restore the activationkeys in case the files on your device get corrupted.Your phone supports a digital rights management (DRM)system to protect acquired content. Always check thedelivery terms of any content and activation key beforeacquiring them, as they may be subject to a fee.To view the folders, select Menu > Gallery.12. MediaCamera and videoYour device supports an image capture resolution ofTake a pictureTo use the still image function, press the camera key, or ifthe video function is on, scroll left or right. To capture animage, press the camera key.To zoom in or out in camera mode, scroll up or down.To set the camera to night mode, to set the self-timer on,or to take images in a fast sequence, select Options andthe desired option. To set the preview mode and time,select Options > Settings > Image preview time.Media© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved. 41OMA DRM-protected content after the device memory is1280x1024 pixels.