M e n u f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 55You can also key in the settingsmanually or add and edit thesettings with PC Suite. Forappropriate settings, contact yournetwork operator or service provider.The WAP settings may be available,for example, on their website.Saving the service settingsreceived as a text messageWhen you receive the servicesettings as a text message, Servicesettings received is displayed.• To save the received settings,press View and select Save.If no settings are saved in Activeservice settings, the settings aresaved under the first freeconnection set and alsoactivated.If there are settings saved inActive service settings, Activatesaved service settings? will bedisplayed. To activate the savedsettings, press Yes, or to savethem only, press No.• To discard the received settings,press View and select Discard.• To view the received settingsfirst, press View and select View.To save the settings, press Save.Keying in the service settingsmanually1. Press Menu, and select Services,and Settings.2. Select Active service settings.You need to activate the setwhere you want to save theservice settings. A set is acollection of settings needed formaking a connection to a WAPservice.3. Scroll to the set you would like toactivate and press Activate.4. Select Edit active servicesettings.Select each of the followingservice settings one by one andkey in all the required settings.• Settings’ name - Key in thenew name for the connectionset and press OK.• Homepage - Key in thehomepage address of the WAPservice that you want to use,press for a dot, and pressOK.• Session mode - SelectPermanent or Temporary.• Connection security - SelectOn or Off.